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 Black Gold - James Horner (OST) (2012)

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Black Gold - James Horner (OST) (2012)  Empty
PříspěvekPředmět: Black Gold - James Horner (OST) (2012)    Black Gold - James Horner (OST) (2012)  Icon_minitime18/2/2012, 15:15

Black Gold - James Horner (OST) (2012)

Black Gold - James Horner (OST) (2012)  Folder

Black Gold
Miusic by: James Horner
Genres: Soundtrack
Released: 2012
Format: MP3 320kbps
Size: 145 MB


01. Main Title - A Desert Truce [06:34]
02. Horizon To Horizon [03:58]
03. The Wonders Of Wealth [01:50]
04. ''I Have Chosen You'' [03:22]
05. ''You Were A Prince'' [01:47]
06. Leaving As An Emissary [05:19]
07. Father And Son [01:50]
08. Phantom Army [01:47]
09. ''So This Is War'' [01:56]
10. The Blowing Sands [04:29]
11. Fresh Water [01:50]
12. One Brother Lives, One Brother Dies [06:44]
13. Battle In The Oil Fields [05:15]
14. A Kingdom Of Oil [08:46]

Code: Select allhttp://ul.to/0njw066w

Code: Select allhttp://freakshare.com/files/t8k1tq5h/BG-JH.zip.html
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Black Gold - James Horner (OST) (2012)
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